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Staff Training: Digital Etiquette and Productivity In-Person

This course will:
- Revisit fundamental use and etiquette of Outlook, Zoom and Teams
- Overview a collection of productivity strategies for personal and digital use
- Help you to gain insight into the nuances of digital communication, encompassing the usage of gifs, memes, and emojis to effectively convey messages while maintaining professionalism
- Review JCCC's digital communication policy to reinforce understanding and adherence to privacy and security standards.
- Acquire discernment in determining the most suitable communication medium for conveying messages, considering factors such as urgency, confidentiality, and recipient preferences.

This is part threeof the three part Professionalism Series. Keep an eye out for Nonverbal and Interpersonal training as well as Guidelines for Etiquette and Inclusive Best Practices in the Workplace Training! Courses do not need to be completed in order.

Please reach out to Carissa Sadique (csadique@jccc.edu) for questions and requests for this training.

Friday, May 3, 2024
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Time Zone:
Central Time - US & Canada (change)
GEB 264

Registration is required. There are 6 seats available.